Sunday, February 26, 2012

"A Still, Small Voice"

 I have just returned from undoubtedly one of my favorite places on earth..Oneida, Tennessee.  Oneida itself is nothing spectacular..there is, however, a Wal Mart and a Sonic which makes me happy. But in all honesty, that is about all that is exciting in the small town. But if you travel down "the road by the funeral home" (I stink at knowing names of streets), and be sure you go straight at the fork in the road by the abandoned carry out, and you can drive carefully enough down the winding road so as to not end up in someone's driveway and stay on the gravel will end up here...a gorgeous cabin in the middle of nowhere. The thought of it makes my heart leap and my stomach get those little butterflies that happen when you know you are going to smile from the tip of your toes to the top of your head...I love this cabin.

My brother called me a few weeks ago and said, "let's go to the cabin!".  Without hesitation I said, "I'm in!" He worked hard at all the arrangements for all 14 of us, the dates that we could all go, figuring out how we could get dad there complete with his recliner so he would have a place to sleep. I got the text that said, "We are good to go!"  There's those butterflies again!

Last Wednesday morning we met at his church to load up all 7 kids, way too much luggage, potty chairs, booster and car seats, high chairs, pack and plays, and one "man with a cane". :)  It took 1 SUV, 1 mini SUV and one pick up truck..but we were on our way to Oneida! 

We got there Wednesday afternoon and immediately were excited! Kids scampered everywhere, adults (I use that term lightly!) :)   carried luggage to "Our rooms", and the man with the cane quickly settled into his recliner. Smiles were every where. I could take the time to go in to all the details of our going to the national park, watching rachel play Twister with the kids, campfires and smores, flashlight hikes, hot tub time, eating and eating and eating..but you don't really care about that. My heart just wants to share what the Lord gave me this week.

Thursday night/Friday morning we had gone to bed sometime around 1 am. (after a rousing game of "LOGO", to the which my sister killed us at!) I laid in bed until around 3. I don't know why sleep was not welcome that night, but I believe the Lord had other things in mind for me. Around 3 am, I was giving up on sleeping. My favorite place at the cabin is the front porch. I decided to go downstairs and spend some time with the Lord out there. I tried my best to sneak down the stairs and out the front door.  I turned the porch light on and curled up on the porch swing...just me and my Bible.  My heart has been so burdened for things lately. I have friends who are hurting. I have a friend who is deathly ill and coming to the end of a long, hard battle. I am longing to see revival in my Jr. Church class.  I am worried about my dad. I could keep going, but really, you get the point.. :)  I poured my heart out to God, at times talking so fast that I'm sure even He was laughing at my incessant talking. I told Him how many "horrible things" were happening and even began questioning where He was in all this mess. The "whys" and the "hows" and the "whens" were heavy and painfully loud to Him.  After I felt I couldn't lay one more thing into His hands, I opened up my Bible. Part of me seemed to be saying, "Now fix it! Give me the answers now!" 

I turned immediately to I Kings 19.  I began to read of Elijah. He was feeling sorry for himself and had found his "rest" under the juniper tree. He was tired, weary, ready to throw in the towel. The burdens were too much.  Me too, Elijah. Me too!!

*short rabbit trail* In the woods where we were, you can "hear" the wind before you actually feel it or see the movement it is causing.  I love that!

I heard the wind coming. I lifted my head and closed my eyes waiting to feel the cool breeze.  It wasn't long before I did. Back to I Kings.  Elijah was awakened by an angel who was there to feed him. (that in and of itself would've caused me to ..let's just say, need to change my undies!)  Elijah needed more.  I kept reading, hanging on every word.

"And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the LORD [came] to him, and he said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah?"

Elijah went on to basically say that he has done all he can, and yet everyone has turned their back on him and the things of God. He was ready to throw in the towel. The Lord told him to go stand on the mountain. He sent a strong wind..(I bet he heard it before he felt it!)  The Lord wasn't in that. He sent an earthquake. Not the Lord. He even sent fire straight from above. Not the Lord either. Then...

"...and after the fire, a still, small voice." 

Then, and only then, did God show Himself. Then and only then did He set up the plan that He had for Elijah. I heard the wind coming again.

I lifted my head again to get ready to feel the breeze that was headed my way. This time my eyes were filled with tears and my heart was broken. I didn't need to wait for the earthquakes, or the great winds, or the fire. Here, in the middle of the night, in the middle of no where...I was completely surrounded by that still small voice.  I heard Him. I thought of the people just behind me. Sleeping directly behind me was my mom. No greater woman has ever crossed my path. She loves the Lord with all her heart. No greater example of a wife, mother, pastor's wife, friend, or Prov 31 lady has ever been given to anyone than she. In the next room, my sister. Rachel is my best friend.. she loves her husband and her boys more than life. She serves the Lord and proves to me every day that I couldn't make it without her. My brother and sister in law. I have learned so much from them. My brother LIVES what he preaches. He makes me proud to be his sister every single day. Upstairs my husband sleeps. My world was in that room. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I realized the gifts I have been given. I love being Mrs. Randy Snell. My dad. So much I could say. I love my daddy and love gleaning from him and his ways. I have been blessed.  I don't need the magnificent "storms" of life to show me the way. I don't have to have my world turned upside down to see Him work. I was sitting in front of a cabin full of people who have taught me how to trust Him. It was the QUIET assurance that filled my heart with joy..with peace. I heard His voice.

I heard the wind coming again. It was the only sound you could hear for miles. There were no cars, no city noise, no sirens or even dogs barking. I thought about that voice. You know, if we are quiet enough, we can "hear" the Lord before we "feel" Him. We know He is there, without the need of earthquakes and fires. His still, small voice is enough.

I am so thankful for the past week. I am beyond thankful for the hard work, time and money my brother put in to make this time possible. I loved every single minute of being with my family. I was reminded of how blessed I am. I was over joyed with the time I got to spend with each and every one of my nieces and nephews. I laughed until I cried at Stacey. (don't ask!) :)    I loved being with my mom and dad. But I will never forget my quiet time with the Lord that morning. I'm grateful beyond words for that still, small voice!!

This week reminded me why I love my siblings. Thanks, Travis and Rachel! I love you guys!!!!!!