Thursday, February 11, 2010

Caleb Sallee

This past Monday, my sisters and I and our families gathered at Rick and Rachel's house for Caleb's one year old party. We had a wonderful time. It is hard to believe that Caleb is now one year old! He thoroughly loved his cake (and so did I...only 340 calories :-) ) He loved playing with his new basketball set Stacey and I got for him as well....and I am sure he likes the other stuff others purchased for him...but none like Unkie Travis'!
We didn't play games, we didn't pull a prank, we didn't order Chinese (though I missed that), we didn't watch a movie or show, we just enjoyed family.
These past few months have been tough on all three of us sibling. Different battles and struggles. All three of us were tired, a little weary, and some what subdued. No one said anything, we just all knew and we all in glances, hugs, smiles, and nods encouraged each other, loved each other, and strengthened one another.
Life can be a battle, and in those battles, there is none better comrade than family.
I am thankful for my wife so much and for my sisters...hang in there!

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