Saturday, September 19, 2009

The 3 Bears

My brother was not known for being kind to me as a child. He loved to make me cry. One of his favorite things to say to me was, "If you don't stop it, I will make you cry." And that he did. If I started to aggervate him in any way, it didn't last long because he would make me cry everytime. I think he found some sort of joy in it.

My worst memory of him making me cry happened when I was about 6 years old. I can still remember it plain as day. Mom was telling us the story of The 3 Bears..Papa bear, Mama Bear, Baby Bear. Such a nice little story. I enjoyed hearing mom tell us stories. It was bed time. It was getting dark out. Mom told us to go to bed. I jumped up and started down the hall. I had to pass Travis' room to get to my room. He said, "Psst. Come here." I went in his room and jumped up on his bed.

He said, "You know those 3 bears mom was telling you about?"


"Well, what she didn't tell you, because she didn't want to scare you was...They live under your bed!!"


"Yes. Papa Bear. Mama Bear. Baby Bear...they all live under your bed. They come out at night while you are sleeping and eat and play in your room."

Now, I don't know why I was such a stupid child. But in my world, Travis hung the moon! He could've told me anything and I would've believed him. (like the fact that I was adopted. bc he told me that and I believed him til I was 12!)

"We need to tell mom!" I was sobbing at this point!

"NOOOO!!! You can't tell anyone!! If you do..they will eat us all!! They don't want to go back to the zoo. If they know we know then they will eat us! You can't tell a soul!"

OHH NOOO!!!! I really was terrified. He told me to go jump in to bed. I couldn't get out of bed until the sun came up every morning. That's when they went back under the bed and wouldn't bother us. We all know bears sleep during the day and are up at night. Right? Of course, I didn't want to sound dumb so I agreed..and I believed every word of it.

I didn't sleep for months! I don't know exactly what happened to make me stop believing that. I do remember having some accidents tho, because I couldn't get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or we would all die!!

I might have been dumb, but I would rather be dumb than mean...plain old mean!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It's so true, and having read this and realize what it caused in your life...
    Don't feel sorry for her folks, it went both ways...she sounds so innocent in this story. Just wait.....

  2. Well, I remember once when she got you good with a putt putt club! :-)

  3. Ok "Anonymous"...let's not go there..I thought I broke his nose...KIM!!!!!
