Friday, August 14, 2009

A Quick Follow Up

Just a quick word to follow up Travis' previous blog on being scarred for life... I too was scarred for life by that attempt at running away...You see, it was at the tender age of 2 when I found myself away from home, scared, lonely and confused that someone picked me up in my tears and set me on a counter and said, "Here, honey, have some food. It will make you feel better..." And now, almost 30 years later..I still find the food to make me feel better. Whoever that person was who started that should be shot!!! Ok, maybe not. But it really makes me feel better to blame it on the one I don't know!

Another quick follow up to that...Travis said he has to keep his children in eye range of him..he needs to add that he still has to keep ME (and Rachel) within eye shot of him. Everyone knows of our Black Friday Adventures (which is only 105 days away, by the way! :). What you don't know is that even in those crowds, Travis must know where I am at all times. The only difference now is that we have cell phones. He has to keep texting me all the time, and if I go too long in between texts answering him, then he will call me. It truly did leave a lasting impression on him when I "ran away". Poor Rachel never got the chance to run away because I'm pretty sure Travis kept her on an actual leash most of her childhood! :) (and she still gets the text today too!)

He didn't always like us growing up, but he knew where we were ALL the time! :)

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