Saturday, August 8, 2009

So Excited!!

I am so thrilled to be a part of this blog. When Travis asked me if I would be interested in "blogging" some of our past and memories on this blog, I was so excited. Let me begin by saying that I am NOT a writer. I was not given that talent like Travis and Rachel were given it, but I do like to talk! (big surprise to all you who know me, I'm sure!) So, I have just decided that I am going to sit down here when I feel impressed to do so...and "talk" to you. For those of you who go to CBT, or have heard my brother preach on many occasions at all, know that he tends to share much of our childhood memories from the pulpit. One of the reasons this blog makes me so happy is because it gives me a chance to "share" my side of these stories. You may read a blog that you have heard from the pulpit before, but hopefully this time you will get to see it from a different side.

Before I begin "blogging", I wanted to thank the Lord for my brother and sister. I cannot say that we have always been close. As a matter of fact, I can honestly say that there were times growing up (as I'm sure you will read from all of us in the future) that we did not like each other at all!! But we have always LOVED each other. We didn't act like it all the time, but we did. As we have gotten older, we have all grown closer. Today, I consider my siblings, my best friends. (along with my husband, of course) There is nothing on earth I love doing more outside of serving the Lord, than spending time playing games, and fellowshipping with Travis and Rachel. When our other duties cause us to spend time away from this, I get weary. I find myself longing to spend time with them. We all talk at least 2 or 3 times a week, and we are OK with telling each other that we love each other, and that we pray for one another. When I am going thru a trial or hard time, I always call them and ask them to pray for me. I have complete confidence that they are doing just that. I could go on and on, but my point is that I am so grateful for Travis and Rachel. Not only did the Lord choose to give me an amazing set of Godly parents who raised me in the way of the Lord, but He blessed me with wonderful siblings who love Him. I can play with them all day, but I can pray with them all day too. That's what I call awesome!!!

I can't wait to start sharing memories and laughs with you all on here. Don't expect perfect spelling or grammar (sorry, mom), but I hope you can expect a good laugh or a small blessing!

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